Debunking Common Bankruptcy Myths

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Guide

What is a Florida Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

How Bankruptcy Can Help Those Struggling Financially in Florida

Qualifying for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Florida

Understanding the Cost of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Florida

Understanding Which Debts Can Be Eliminated by Bankruptcy in Florida

Debunking Common Bankruptcy Myths

Bankruptcy is often misunderstood, leading to myths and misconceptions that can cause unnecessary fear or hesitation. This guide aims to debunk some of the most common bankruptcy myths and provide accurate information to help individuals make informed decisions.

Myth 1: Bankruptcy Ruins Your Credit Forever

While it's true that bankruptcy will impact your credit, it's not a permanent mark. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy can stay on your credit report for up to 10 years and Chapter 13 for up to seven years. However, you can start rebuilding your credit immediately after closing your bankruptcy case. Your credit can improve significantly within a few years with responsible financial habits.

Myth 2: You'll Lose Everything in Bankruptcy

Many people fear they'll lose all their possessions by filing for bankruptcy. In reality, bankruptcy laws include "exemptions" that allow you to keep certain assets, such as your home, car, personal belongings, retirement accounts, and more. The specifics vary by state and by the type of bankruptcy you file.

Myth 3: All Debts are Eliminated in Bankruptcy

While bankruptcy can discharge many types of debt, not all debts can be eliminated. Student loan debt rules are changing, while alimony, child support, and certain tax debts are generally not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

Myth 4: Filing for Bankruptcy Means You've Failed

Bankruptcy is often stigmatized as a personal failure, but the reality is that most people file because of circumstances beyond their control, such as job loss, medical illness, or divorce. Bankruptcy is a legal tool designed to provide relief and a fresh start for individuals overwhelmed by debt.

Myth 5: You Can't Get Credit After Bankruptcy

While bankruptcy does impact your credit, it doesn't mean you'll never be able to get credit again. Many people find they can get approved for credit cards or loans after their bankruptcy case is closed, though the interest rates may initially be higher.

Myth 6: Everyone Will Know You Filed for Bankruptcy

Unless you're a prominent person or a major corporation and the media pick up the filing, the chances are excellent that the only people who will know about a filing are your creditors. While it's true that bankruptcy is a public legal proceeding, the number of cases is so massive few publications have the resources or the inclination to run all of them.

Remember, every financial situation is unique, and what's right for one person might not be right for another. Gathering accurate information and seeking professional advice when considering bankruptcy is important.

Disclaimer: This information is not intended as legal advice. Please consult a legal professional for advice pertaining to your specific situation.

Jeffrey Hakanson, Esq.